Malaika Carr, Chalk House

“I feel like Amy captured the essence of my brand perfectly & the storytelling and templates she created worked a dream. The strategy meetings that we had were so insightful, they really helped me focus on the right things, in order to propel my business at a time I needed it most.”

Sally Lacock Jewellery

“It has been a joy and an incredibly valuable experience working with Ames&Co.  I had been aware for a while that I was ignoring the marketing side of my business, and knew it was hugely important, but found it overwhelming.

Amy really helped me to structure my thoughts and got me to question what my business means to me, which has really helped me understand how to present it to my clients. Her empathy, clever questioning and natural conversation revealed important things that had been in my subconscious but that I had been too busy to notice. 

The whole strategy process has given me clarity and confidence and the motivation to incorporate marketing into my working week, prompted by the very useful Brand Strategy summary, which I now have pinned to my wall.

After the conversation I felt like I had permission to stop doing some of the things I wasn’t enjoying and didn’t feel were working, because now I have a rationale about what does work, and why I should focus on certain things over others. Now I’m more confident and more natural creating content.”